Outdoor Tactical Pistol Training


Objective based Training / Evaluation program


DAG Gunfighter Diagnostics is an objective based Training / Evaluation program where the shooters will be challenged and tasked with live fire problem solving sceanrios. All students will be given a quantative evaluation and suggestions after each exercise. Each DGD course will focus on different weapons systems giving the shooter the opportunity gain valuble insight into his strenghts and weaknesses with each of these weapons systems. The course is restricted to TFTT/DAG Alumni or otherwise vetted students. Call if you have questions.

1 Day – $250


  • Primary pistol
  • 300 rounds ammunition
  • Belt holster w/ thumb strap (recommended)
  • Two spare magazines minimum


  • Center-fire Semi Auto Rifle
  • 3 Magazines with Carriers
  • Ammunition  300 rounds
  • Pistol with 50 rounds (optional)
  • Sling System


  • Pump or semi-auto shotgun with sling
  • Shell carrier (belt or weapon mounted)
  • Ammunition – 200 rounds birdshot, 20 rounds 00 buck, 20 rounds slug


  • Body armor
  • Eye & ear protection
  • Notebook & pen

Register Now

Not Scheduled

It’s Time to Take ACTION.

You can book this course above. Alternatively get in touch by phone or use the contact form here.

Office  714-206-5168

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