Q – Can I pay by credit card?
A – Yes. You may call the TFTT/DAG office during business hours and register using your Visa or MC credit card.
Q – Can TFTT provide Body Armor?
A – Yes. Body Armor is mandatory on all TFTT/DAG live fire courses. We can provide your body armor for the fee of $10.00 per day.
Q – Is lunch provided?
A – No. You need to bring your own chow and water. We do not take a formal lunch break, so you will not need much food. Bring something light that you can munch on throughout the day such as trail mix, and power bars. Always bring plenty of fluids. Hydration is a critical part of our training tempo.
Q – Can I ship my ammo out ahead of time?
A –Unfortunately California law has restricted ammunition shipments.
Q – Can I bring out my M4 or AK to California for your classes?
A – Absolutely. The California “Assault Weapons” ban only applies to California residents. If you are coming out for a sanctioned Training or Competition Event you will have no issues. To be safe, you may want to print off the Course Description from the TFTT web site and have that with you as an added documentation.
Q – Do you go on the road for Mobile Training Team blocks?
A –Yes. Our MTT’s constitute a big part of the training missions that TFTT/DAG performs throughout the year. Be advised that we can only provide MTT blocks for LEO/GOV and Military units.
Q – Sometimes I see on your calendar that the length of courses varies on MTT programs, such as the M4 Operator course is listed as a 4 day program in Los Angeles and only a 3 program elsewhere. What’s the deal?
A – Our Mobile Training Team blocks are structured by request from the sponsoring units and sometimes the duration varies but the pricing per day averages out to be equivalent of what you see posted on the home base courses. Any questions, call the office.
Get in touch by phone or use the contact form here.
Office 714-206-5168