Tactical Pistol Training


Tactical pistol level 2 is a continuation of our fundamental pistol skill sets. Tactical pistol 2 introduces the student to more advanced techniques of tactical shooting. This course is also an excellent skill refresher for experienced tactical shooters; many student’s repeat tactical pistol 2 annually or bi-annually, or prior to more advanced courses. At the conclusion of the course you’ll also have an opportunity to shoot our scored evaluation to test your skill.

1 Day – $250

Course Objectives

Concealment Presentations
Speed Loading
Stoppage Drills
Casualty Arm Fire
Casualty Arm Reloads
Movement drills
Obstacle & timed
Courses of Fire
5-25 yard Scored Evaluation

Equipment Requirements

  1. Primary pistol
  2. 300 rounds ammunition
  3. Holster
  4. Two spare magazines minimum
  5. Body armor (available for rent)
  6. Eye & ear protection
  7. Notebook & pen

Register Now

Not Scheduled

It’s Time for ACTION.

You can book this course above. Alternatively get in touch by phone or use the contact form here.

Office  714-206-5168

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