“Our tactical officers that have attended the DAG/TFTT courses (CQB Tactics, Two-Man Team Tactics, Vehicle Engagement Tactics, SWAT Operations Tactics, etc.) during the past few years have been very pleased with the instructional staff in the manner in which they deliver the courses. They have found the courses to be demanding, informational, engaging, and practical in regards to some of the high risk situations that we may encounter.”
“My personnel have participated in weapons and tactics training annually with TFTT/DAG since 2002. The TFTT/DAG staff are unmatched in their motivation to ensure that my EOD operators are expertly prepared for the full spectrum of CONUS and OCONUS EOD operations. This training has been operationally proven to increase the survivability of my personnel that have come under fire while deployed to Afghanistan.”
“Eau Claire County SWAT team operators has been training with TFTT/DAG for several years now and we practice the concepts and methodology of TFTT religiously.
Max Joseph has developed procedures for tactics and safe operations that all SWAT operators should follow. Our Statewide ALERT teams have used TFTT and Max Joseph repeatedly to train high risk situations and snipers and have plans to continue in that direction.
Max is a highly motivated and qualified instructor that understands the contemporary needs of tactical officers and trains them to be their best when that counts the most.”
“This course far exceeded my expectations – it also raised my expectations for our firearms instructors. TFTT/DAG set a bar of excellence that we will work hard to obtain. Realistic, effective, thought provoking.
All top Administrators need this training to better understand and support our officers. Clear, concise, professional and needed for ALL officers. I encourage every Sheriff and Chief of Police to challenge their expectations and ultimately reduce their liability, by participating or sending a representative to participate in the Two Man Team Tactics course. You have to recognize this training is available, or you are doing a disservice to your front line personnel and SWAT team.”
Call: 714-206-5168